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How to choose a water cooler...

Updated: Sep 10, 2019

How to choose a Water Cooler

So you’re thinking of getting a Water Cooler? You’re aware of the official rules, and know as the law says that all employers should provide an adequate supply of wholesome drinking for all persons in the workplace. You have also read up on all the many lovely benefits of having water coolers in the workplace including that employees will have increased concentration levels and alertness, looking and feeling great as drinking lots of water keeps your skin looking, and of course you save money! as the cost of buying a bottled drink daily is massive compared to the minimal cost of a water cooler. (This typically costs 50-90p daily and is used by everyone!)

Within your Brand mission you’re willing to commit financially to improving staff health and well-being in line with a vision to provide the recommended eight glasses of fresh clean pure water a day for you team, to help them stay well hydrated, increasing their mental ability to think clearly stay focused and be productive. Plus you will reduce the need for them to pop out of the office for their drinks, saving you both time! Now you need to decide what Water Cooler you want?

There is so much to consider! So where to start….

Water Coolers and dispensers are suitable for offices, conference rooms; meeting rooms, hotels, schools, hospitals - just about anywhere that people want fresh drinking water. Even if you have a small business with kitchen facilities coolers can often also be used for hot water, providing hot drinks quickly and cleanly without wasting precious time waiting for the kettle! So firstly you need to decide on where you want the cooler to go? In an office will it be in the conference room, hallway or kitchen. In a school will it need to go on a counter top where the children can easily access? You will also need to check it is near an electrical socket so that the cooler can be plugged in, and if you want it to be plumbed in check there is maims water pipe nearby. Lastly consider what the cooler will be used for and if you will need just cold water or hot water supplied?

Ezytap for instant hot or cold water including drip tray

Now at this stage you should have narrowed down which type of cooler you’re after. There are two main types of cooler: bottled and plumbed in. Bottled water coolers usually hold a large bottle of water on the top and do not need to be near water pipes, monthly rental for these is usually cheaper than plumbed in, but there is the additional cost of delivering, recycling and replacing bottled water when it runs out. The other main type of water cooler is plumbed in; these are attached and fitted to mains water supply and filter ordinary tap water.

All water coolers come in a wide range of styles including

counter-top, free-standing, under the counter or wall-mounted installations. You will also have a think about whether you need a hot tap or an ambient tap. Most water coolers don’t just dispense chilled water, but also dispense hot and / or ambient. Hot water taps like the Crown EZYTAP are great for making instant tea and coffee.

So you have decided or have a clearer view of the specification of machine you need, now you need to decide if you want to buy, rent or lease the cooler and i’m sure you will want to know the company you choose will deliver the service you need and expect. Most reputable Water Cooler distributors will offer a free site visit to assess the installation needs of your premises, to make an informed decision and assessment about your specific water cooler requirements. Installation and delivery services are typically included within purchases as some equipment and large mains fed coolers can be heavy and awkward to install. When it comes to the actual installation you can typically expect the bottled water installation process to be as simple as placing a bottle in the machine and plugging it in. However for the majority of plumbed-in water dispensers, pipes may need to be added to the building system; inflow and outflow pipes need to be installed correctly to prevent leaks, and with hot and cold water systems the correct pipes need to match up. It is a difficult job for an amateur to attempt and therefore we would recommend you get this done by a certified and trained professional fitter or plumber.

Crown Carbon Filter and Housing - contact us for more information

As with all good appliances just like your household dishwasher, regular maintenance and servicing will be required to keep your cooler running and sanitary. Bacteria can breed and contaminate the water supply when the equipment is not maintained to a high standard. Cleaning and general sanitisation (emptying the drip tray) are all jobs you can do to ensure your coolers are clean and fit for use, replacing the filters and replacing machines and equipment after a certain amount of time. Most mains-fed water coolers use filters to purify the water to ensure cleanliness and taste filter cartridges for plumbed-in systems will need to be changed yearly or twice a year under normal conditions of use. (With bottled coolers this can be every 3 months). Crown supply a range of filters including carbon and

Nano-Filtration. Contact Us for more information.

Depending on your supplier contract the servicing may be offered free or as part of the warranty agreement. With Bottled Coolers most water bottle manufacturers supply filled water bottles and recycle empty ones. Bottled Water Coolers will require a more regular sanitisation which is usually carried out every quarter. Crown can supply specifically formulated water cooler Cooler Clean Spray for the contact areas.

So your all set, there’s a bit to think about but once you have an idea you can have real clarity about the service you need and want to deliver with your Water Cooler. Please feel free to get in touch and contact us here at Crown or E-mail if you have any further questions or would like us to talk you through pricing on your personalised Cooler package.

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